Better hearing backed by science
Our team of researchers and academic advisors are committed to making better hearing accessible for all through credible testing, training, and support.
Interested in learning more? Find out more about our current projects.
Hearing happens in the brain
Most people, with or without hearing loss, will struggle to hear in noisy environments. When there are lots of sounds competing for our attention it becomes much harder to focus on each sound. We can hear the conversations around us but it becomes harder to understand what is being said. This is where auditory training can help.
Auditory training targets key hearing and cognitive skills to improve the brain’s ability to focus on the sounds you want to hear. Through immersive and interactive games, you can practise your hearing skills and improve your ability to interpret the sounds around you.

The more you train your hearing, the more you can benefit

In our latest research study:

Participants improved by 2dB, on average. This is a 20% improvement in speech intelligibility.

of participants found that eargym’s training programme improved their hearing skills.

of participants improved their ability to hear in noisy places in just 7 weeks.*
*Measured with participants who listed this as an area they wanted to improve in.

Immersive games designed to improve hearing
Just like exercise for our bodies, eargym’s training adapts to your performance for maximum impact. Each session is personalised to you, making sure you continue to challenge both your hearing and cognitive skills.
Our suite of immersive training games are designed to improve different auditory processing skills like speech comprehension and the ability to locate sounds. We simulate realistic listening scenarios to make sure eargym’s training has real-world application.



UKRI Designed for Ageing
Funded by UK Research and Innovation
eargym is leading a 2-year research project as part of the UKRI’s Healthy Ageing Challenge.
We work closely with a panel of 12 individuals who have varying experiences of hearing loss to understand more about what motivates and engages them in hearing health and well-being. The panel contributes to all stages of our product design and development, and their feedback ensures we continue to improve the user experience, enjoyability, and impact of eargym’s training.
Preliminary Evaluation Study
Funded by UK Research and Innovation and Alzheimer's Society
eargym’s evaluation studies assess the effectiveness of our testing and training on an individual’s hearing, cognitive health, and quality of life.
Our latest research study (completed April 2023) involved two in-person hearing and cognition assessments at the start and end of the programme, and 7 weeks of remote hearing training completed on a smartphone with a pair of headphones. Preliminary results show that participants significantly improved their ability to understand speech when other people are talking in the background.
Longitude Prize on Dementia
Supported by Alzheimer's Society, Innovate UK and Challenge Works
For people living with dementia, hearing loss can make everyday activities even more challenging. As a semi-finalist for the Longitude Prize on Dementia, eargym is creating a simple tool that can be used at home to check for hearing loss in individuals living with dementia. Through this, we hope to increase participation in activities and encourage social engagement in people living with dementia, allowing them to live independently for longer.
We co-create with a group of people affected by dementia. Their insight and experience is incredibly valuable and informs our product development to ensure we develop a helpful hearing screening tool.
How do we know our hearing loss check is accurate?
Dr Tim Walton - Lead Researcher
It goes without saying that when you have a hearing check you should be able to trust the results and subsequent recommendations. Here are three reasons why eargym’s hearing loss check is a reliable way to check your hearing health.
It is based upon validated, scientific research;
The results align with national averages for prevalence of hearing loss;
The results correlate with subjective measures for users struggling to hear in noisy environments.
Interested in learning more? Read the paper here
Our partners
We work with a board of world-class advisors and partners in academia, charity and industry to discover just how beneficial hearing training can be at improving our hearing health and quality of life.
Want to know more about our advisors and partners? Click here